Save Cantonese for a Diverse Society
- About Us 關於我們
- Learn Cantonese 學粵語
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- About Us 關於我們
- Learn Cantonese 學粵語
Save Cantonese for a Diverse Society
- About Us 關於我們
- Learn Cantonese 學粵語
- …
- About Us 關於我們
- Learn Cantonese 學粵語
Get Involved with Save Cantonese
We rely on Supporters, Volunteers, and Donors to power the Save Cantonese movement. We welcome people from all backgrounds, from all around the world, to join us.
Supporters are subscribed to our mailing list and receive occasional email updates. Volunteers attend our regular Save Cantonese meetings, actively lending their skills on different teams to execute our campaigns. Donors contribute funds and resources to sustain our campaigns and keep our day-to-day operations running.
Donate to our Save Cantonese movement
As a Donor, your contributions allow us to continue our day-to-day operations as a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your donations keep the savecantonese.org website running and power our outreach on social media platforms for this public campaign. We invite you to maximize the impact of your gift with a recurring monthly (e.g. $10/month) or annual gift. Tax deductible receipts can be arranged upon request.
Does your company offer corporate matching opportunities? If so, we would love to help you double the impact of your donation! Reach out to us at give@savecantonese.org
因為守護粵語係一個由志願者組成嘅501(c)3非牟利組織,所以作為捐款者,你嘅捐款可以維持本組織嘅日常運作。你嘅捐款會幫助我哋維持 savecantonese.org 嘅網站運作,同埋推動我哋喺社交媒體平台上嘅公眾宣傳活動。所以,我哋鼓勵你每個月定期捐款(例如每個月$10美元)或者每年定期捐款。你捐款越多就越好啦。我哋可以應要求安排可扣稅嘅收據。
如果貴公司有提供公司捐款配對嘅機會,噉本組織就好樂意同你哋合作,令到貴公司可以加倍捐款俾我哋嚟支持我哋嘅運動!貴公司亦都可以發電郵到 give@savecantonese.org嚟同我哋聯絡啦!
Can I make larger philanthropic gifts?
Absolutely! For larger gifts, some individuals and companies are interested in large-scale philanthropic giving to sustain Cantonese language programs. Please be in touch using the form below.
Join our movement as a Volunteer or Supporter
Q: Do I have to speak Cantonese to join? 我係咪一定要講廣東話先可以加入「守護粵語」嘅運動?
A: No, it's not a requirement! Some of our Team members are native Cantonese speakers. Other volunteers do not have a Cantonese language background, but are interested in ensuring that linguistic diversity continues to exist. Everyone can participate in our movement. 唔使啦!其實,雖然我哋有啲團隊成員嘅母語就係廣東話,但係仲有啲志願者嘅文化背景同廣東話冇咩關係。雖然係噉,呢啲志願者都好關心保持推廣語言多元化。換句話說,任何人都可以參與同埋加入「守護粵語」嘅運動。
Click "subscribe" below to join the Save Cantonese movement.
If you are interested in pledges, endowed gifts to Universities, or other philanthropy related to the Save Cantonese campaign, please be in touch. Thank you!
Other Questions?
Reach out to us with any questions or feedback on the website.
Save Cantonese © 2024